Friday, 14 November 2014

The End

The academic year has finally come to an end. Looking back, we have all come a long way and have grown a lot more. It has been a fantastic year of fun, learning, trying and practising. It was not all smooth-sailing but definitely friendships have been built with one another over these four terms. Continue to practice the values you have learnt such as respect, tolerance, forgiveness, patience, responsibility, kindness, diligence and many more. Hopefully we will meet again next year. Till then, enjoy your December break! You've worked hard, so it's now time to play hard! Take care. =)

Looking back on our journey together...

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Puzzles Time

Time to solve some puzzles!

We were all too busy searching for our friends' names.

Monday, 3 November 2014

CCE performance 弟子规

Everyone looking glamorous in their performance attires!
Well Done, 1 Diligence!

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